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Capture Photos & Videos
of Nurse Managers in Action

Please share photos and videos of nurse managers in action, visuals that illustrate the many responsibilities of nurse managers and the care and support they provide to their teams.

Examples of situations you may choose to capture include:

  • Leading a team meeting or talking with their team.

  • Elbow-bumping their teammate for a job well done.

  • Training a new teammate.

  • Tackling administrative work.

  • Having a one-on-one discussion with a teammate.

  • Meeting with health care administrators.

  • Undertaking other actions to help their team - i.e. changing linens, taking out the trash or other small tasks that often go unnoticed.

  • Stepping in to care for patients - i.e. donning or doffing PPE.

Tips to help you capture the best possible photos and/or videos:

  • Make sure the area is well lit. Take advantage of natural light near windows.

  • Stand close enough to the person you’re capturing so you don’t need to zoom in.

  • Hold the camera steady to avoid blurry photos or shaky videos.

  • Make sure the camera is in focus before shooting.

  • Make sure you’re following your institution’s HIPAA rules in regard to patients or patient information that may be captured in your shot.

  • For videos, try to take them in a quiet area with minimal background noise.

  • Avoid shooting in front of distracting backgrounds, such as stacks of equipment.

  • Consider whether the scene will be best captured in portrait or landscape orientation. Avoid switching from one to the other in the middle of filming.

  • Provide photos and videos with a high resolution. If you use a mobile phone, check to make sure you select the highest resolution available.

  • When possible, upload photos or videos directly from the device on which they were taken.

  • Avoid submitting photos received over text or email, as they may have a lower resolution.

Visit this page to fill out a release form and to submit your photos and videos.

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